from alam.qc.to
So, species are disappearing at an unprecedented rate (the 6th Mass Extinction) and we face the virtual certainty of the end of civilization as we know it (the end of things like pensions, Medicare, garbage services, etc.) and the Canadian government is under intense pressure to “deliver a concrete plan next month to raise defence spending to meet NATO’s benchmark”. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/nato-spending-trudeau-joly-business-council-canada-1.7231776?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar (I [Jan S] could expound on the hypocrisy of the Business Council of Canada’s stance…!)
There are so many reasons to resist raising military spending to satisfy demands of what amounts to an international gang warfare organization (NATO). From a purely economic point of view, it’s idiotic to tie ourselves to a “highly inefficient, management-dominated, cost-maximizing, highly corrupt industry”. https://peacemagazine.org/archive/v04n5p22.htm
This military industrial complex is not just wasteful, it endangers our collective security. Check out https://www.no-to-nato.org/ for more information.
How can we fathom such misguided policies? How might we get out from under the spell of destroying our economies and life on earth in the name of “prosperity” and “security”? One person with useful, nourishing insights on questions like these is Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows, aka Don Trent Jacobs). A recent Entangled World episode on Indigenous worldview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi4OPdVQ4X8 , is very relevant; in particular, at about the 42 min. mark, he speaks of the phenomenon of hypnosis. On the one hand, it can be used to help people heal and he used it in training wild horses as well. On the other hand, when we fail to understand how susceptible we are to mass hypnosis, we can buy into harmful, even suicidal projects, such as what has led us to collectively support the war in Palestine/Israel.